Firebolt Racing, is the official off-road racing team of Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi. We design, manufacture, promote and test an All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV). We participate in BAJA SAE INDIA, which is an Indian chapter of the world's largest amateur racing championship and in BAJA SAE Internationals. We aim to better our performance and surpass expectations with each event to come. Our successful run in all the previous seasons has not only brought glory to the institute but to all the companies and big names we have collaborated with. And it is only here that we turn to revered dignitaries like you for help. Being a team, which runs solely by a student body, we feel the need of assistance every time and again. Any sort of association or collaboration with Firebolt Racing from your side shall be highly valued. To sponsor us, kindly click the SPONSOR US button.

Why Sponsor Us

Sponsoring Firebolt Racing will allow our sponsors to increase their Brand Visibility by numerous institutional fests like Bitotsav, Vajra and Pantheon. We highlight our Sponsors and Partners on our official merch which we use in Fests, Baja Sae Events and other major automobile championships where a footfall of 25K+ is observed. 10K+ follower count promotes our Sponsors on social media and help them to increase their reach on various platforms like Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc. We release Newsletters, Magazine, Brochures, Pamphlets, Banners to publicise sponsors in major competition which help them to make a good return on investment they make on our team.

  • Events

  • We participate in immensely popular events like BAJA SAE INTERNATIONAL, BAJA SAE INDIA, ENDURO STUDENT INDIA, and MEGA ATV CHAMPIONSHIP.

  • Social Media

  • We have over 7.5K followers on Facebook, 1200+ followers on Instagram which assists in increasing the credibility as well as public image of our sponsors.

  • Publicity

  • We promote our sponsors by publicising them through various Newsletters, Brochure, Magazine, cloud servers, pamphlets, etc.

  • NEWS
    Firebolt Racing has always been highlighted by various news channels and newspapers for the outstanding performance in competitions like BAJA SAE INDIA and INTERNATIONAL.

    'BAJA BOUND' is Firebolt Racings official Magazine and has a special section denoted just for giving spotlight to Sponsors and Partners.

    Firebolt Racing releases its Sponsorship Brochure every year in order to attract new Sponsors, mention the benefits of sponsoring us and highlights our previous Sponsors.

    Pamphlets are made and distributes which highlights the team as well as the honourable Sponsors and Partners.

  • DC++
    Firebolt Racing promotes their local sponsors through the Cloud Server of BIT Mesra so that they receive a maximum reach from the students of the institute.

    We print our Banners to promote our team and highlight our Sponsors.

    Firebolt Racing has its official YouTube channel where popular events like BAJA SAE INDIA, BAJA SAE INTERNATIONAL are broadcasted live and videos of our manufactured ATVs are uploaded.

  • Achievements

  • We are constantly improving our performance from previous seasons and in the BAJA SAE INTERNATIONAL 2021 we successfully secured 1st position in India and 8th internationally in BUSINESS PRESENTATION EVENT as well as 2nd position in India and 14th internationally in COST EVENT.

  • College fests

    The annual socio-cultural festival of BIT Mesra, is one of the most awaited events in the eastern region.

    The annual technical festival of Birla Institute of Technology Mesra, Ranchi.

    The Sports fest of BIT Mesra aims at developing a spirit of sportsmanship and provides a platform to test the skill and resilience of athletes.

  • Official wear

  • Firebolt Racing team members wear their official merchandise in competitions which specifically highlights the Sponsors and Partners.
